As Branson embarks upon its next 100 years, we must appropriately steward our resources to accomplish the goals set forth in this strategic plan and to lay the financial foundation for sustaining an excellent institution over the long term.

One of Branson’s greatest assets is our talented faculty and staff. Investing in their well-being is essential to the school’s future excellence and reputation. Unfortunately, the Bay Area’s high cost of living, tight housing market and congested traffic are real threats to Branson’s ability to recruit and retain a stellar faculty. In order to ensure that Branson can compete for and retain the best talent nationally, it is imperative that the school offer highly competitive compensation and benefits and develop innovative programs to best support our professionals. 

Another asset to steward is Branson’s beautiful campus. Maintaining, renovating and repurposing our buildings to complement the anticipated innovations in learning and new academic and artistic programs is essential. 

Finally, the business model of nearly any independent school is challenging. Academic excellence has traditionally required a low ratio of students to professionals. In Branson’s case, the Bay Area’s high labor costs and the unusually small size of our student body create special pressures. Over the long term, without both sizeable endowment and enrollment growth, Branson runs the risk of becoming a school where only the wealthiest families can afford the escalating tuition, supplemented by a relatively small number of scholarship students. That model is antithetical to our commitment to bring together the most talented students in a diverse and vibrant community.


4.1 Create a 10-year financial planning model for sophisticated contingency analysis by the Board of Trustees and business staff.

4.2 Build a culture of philanthropy at Branson that rivals the best independent day schools nationally. Launch an ambitious Centennial Campaign to grow the endowment, fund capital improvements, support financial aid and professional development.

4.3 Pursue expansion of the student body with the Town of Ross and its voters.

4.4 Explore housing support, commuting solutions, childcare support and other programs to supplement highly competitive salaries and benefits in order to attract and retain faculty and administrators.

4.5 Create a master plan for the best maintenance and use of our current campus assets and the possible redevelopment of certain facilities.